Parsi Coders

نسخه‌ی کامل: VB6 - Anti CW Sandbox & Anubis Module
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Public Sub cw_anub()
' Anti CW Sandbox

If Environ("userprofile") = "H:/Dokumenteund Einstellungen/Schmidti" Then
        MsgBox "No emulation or Virtualisation of this application possible" & vbCrLf & "Please contact your Vendor for more information.", , "Vendor notification."

'ANTI Anubis
If App.Path & App.EXEName & ".exe" = "C:\sample.exe" Then
        MsgBox "No emulation or Virtualisation of this application possible" & vbCrLf & "Please contact your Vendor for more information.", , "Vendor notification."
        'MsgBox "Success...."
        End If
        End If
End Sub