Parsi Coders

نسخه‌ی کامل: سورس NAND Checker
شما در حال مشاهده نسخه آرشیو هستید. برای مشاهده نسخه کامل کلیک کنید.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define BUFF_SIZE        0x210                    // Size of page buffer
#define MAX_BLOCKS        0x1000                    // Max number of blocks for bad and reloc block map
#define XEN_BLOCKNUM    0x200                    // Xenon block number page offset
#define JAS_BLOCKNUM    0x201                    // Jasper block number page offset
#define BB_BBFLAG        0x200                    // BigBlock: Bad block flag page offset
#define BB_PAGES        0x100                    // BigBlock: Number of ECC pages in a block
#define BB_PSIZE        0x210                    // BigBlock: Number of bytes in a page
#define BB_BSIZE        (BB_PSIZE * BB_PAGES)    // BigBlock: Number of bytes in a block
#define SB_BBFLAG        0x205                    // SmallBlock: Bad block flag page offset
#define SB_PAGES        0x020                    // SmallBlock: Number of ECC pages in a block
#define SB_PSIZE        0x210                    // SmallBlock: Number of bytes in a page
#define SB_BSIZE        (SB_PSIZE * SB_PAGES)    // SmallBlock: Number of bytes in a block

/* Some macros to clean up the code */
#define SETBIT(map,bit)    ((map)[(bit)>>3] |= 1 << ((bit) & 7))
#define GETBIT(map,bit)    ((map)[(bit)>>3] >> ((bit) & 7) & 1)
#define BBFLAG(bb)        ((bb) ? BB_BBFLAG : SB_BBFLAG)
#define PAGES(bb)        ((bb) ? BB_PAGES : SB_PAGES)
#define PSIZE(bb)        ((bb) ? BB_PSIZE : SB_PSIZE)
#define BSIZE(bb)        ((bb) ? BB_BSIZE : SB_BSIZE)
#define BLOCKNUM(jas)    ((jas) ? JAS_BLOCKNUM: XEN_BLOCKNUM)

void printUsage(const char *p) {
    printf("Nandcheck v0.23\n");
    printf("Usage: %s [-b] <filename>\n",p);
    printf("   -b: Use big block mode for 256MB+ NAND flash chips\n");
    printf("   -j: Use Jasper block numbering (implied with -b)\n");
void calcecc(unsigned long *data, unsigned char  *ecc)
    int i=0, val=0;
    unsigned long v;
    for (i = 0; i < 0x1066; i++) {
        if (!(i & 31))
            v = ~data[i>>5];
        val ^= v & 1;
        v >>= 1;
        if (val & 1)
            val ^= 0x6954559;
        val >>= 1;
    val = ~val;
    ecc[0] = (val << 6) & 0xFF;
    ecc[1] = (val >> 2) & 0xFF;
    ecc[2] = (val >> 10) & 0xFF;
    ecc[3] = (val >> 18) & 0xFF;

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    unsigned char data[BUFF_SIZE], badmap[MAX_BLOCKS/8], relocmap[MAX_BLOCKS/8], ecc[4];
    unsigned int i,j,k,blocks,temp;
    unsigned int bb=0,jas=0,numBad=0,numEmpty=0,numECC=0,reloc=0;
    FILE *fp;
    /* Check Args */
    if((argc < 2) || (argc > 4)) {
        return 1;
    /* Parse options */
    for(i=1;i<argc-1;i++) {
        if(strlen(argv[i])== 2 && argv[i][0] == '-') {
            switch (argv[i][1]) {
                case 'b':
                case 'j':
                    return 1;
        } else {
            return 1;
    /* Try to open the file */
    if((fp=fopen(argv[argc-1], "rb")) == NULL) {
        printf("Error opening %s\n",argv[argc-1]);
        return 1;
    /* Check if the file size makes sense */
    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
    if(blocks % BSIZE(bb)) {
        printf("Warning: File size is not a multiple of the raw block size.\n");
        printf("         Last block fragment will not be checked\n\n");
    blocks/= BSIZE(bb);
    printf("File %s contains 0x%03X blocks.\n",argv[argc-1],blocks);
    if(blocks > MAX_BLOCKS) {
        printf("Warning: Blocks above %d will not be considered in the bad block summary,\n",MAX_BLOCKS);
        printf("         or checked for relocation.\n");
    /* Determine if complete */
    if(bb) {
        switch (blocks) {
            case 0x800:
                printf("File size matches a big block 256MB NAND flash.\n");
            case 0x1000:
                printf("File size matches a big block 512MB NAND flash.\n");
                printf("File size does not match known big block NAND flash sizes.\n");
    } else {
        if (blocks == 0x400) {
            printf("File size matches a small block 16MB NAND flash.\n");
        } else {
            printf("File size does not match known small block NAND flash sizes.\n");
    /* Clear map arrays */
    memset(badmap, 0, sizeof(badmap));
    memset(relocmap, 0, sizeof(relocmap));
    /* Start the Block and Page loops */
    for(i=0;i<blocks;i++) {
        for(j=0;j<PAGES(bb);j++) {
            fread(data, 1, PSIZE(bb), fp);        // Read in the page

            /* Check if empty */
            if(temp == 0xFF) {
                continue;                        // No need for further checks
            /* Check for bad block per Hynix datasheet. */
            if(data[BBFLAG(bb)] != 0xFF) {
                printf("Bad block:page %03X:%02X\n",i,j);
                continue;                        // No need for further checks
            /* Check block number in spare data. A mismatch may be a relocation. */
            if(!reloc) {
                temp=*(int *)(data+BLOCKNUM(jas)) & 0xFFFF;
                if(i != temp) {
                    printf("Block number mismatch in block:page %03X:%02X -> %03X vs %03X\n", \
                    if (temp < MAX_BLOCKS) {                    
                        if (GETBIT(badmap,temp)) {
                            printf("  This block is probably a relocation of bad block %03X.\n",temp);
                            printf("  Skipping relocation warnings for the rest of the block.\n");
            /* Calc the ECC data and compare */
            calcecc((unsigned long *) data, ecc);
            ecc[0] |= data[PSIZE(bb)-4] & 0x3F;    // These 6 bits are not part of the ECC
            if(memcmp(data+PSIZE(bb)-4,ecc,4)) {
                printf("ECC mismatch in block:page %03X:%02X -> 0x%08X vs 0x%08X\n", \
                       i,j,*(unsigned long *)(data+0x20c),*(unsigned long *)ecc);
    printf("\nCheck complete!\n");
    if(numBad) {
        printf("Found the following bad blocks (* marked blocks have been relocated):\n  ");
        for(i=0,j=0;i<MAX_BLOCKS;i++) {
            if(GETBIT(badmap,i)) {
                printf("%c%03X ",GETBIT(relocmap,i)?'*':' ',i);
            if(j >= 10) {
                printf("\n  ");

    printf("\nFound %d ECC error(s), %d bad page(s), %d empty page(s).\n",numECC,numBad,numEmpty);
    return 0;
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