Parsi Coders

نسخه‌ی کامل: Convert HTML Color to RGB
شما در حال مشاهده نسخه آرشیو هستید. برای مشاهده نسخه کامل کلیک کنید.
با سورس زیر میتونید رنگ html رو میتونید به Rgb تبدیل کنید.

In this day and age you will find yourself at times needing to set a color in two different ways. If you are doing any sort of web development you will find that often you are referring to colors using a code that looks something like this '#0066FF'. On the other hand if you are doing development in Visual Basic it expects you to specify any colors by their Red, Green, and Blue values (hence RGB). Luckily you can write a simple code snippet to convert HTML colors into their RGB equivalents.

To do this creat a new Visual Basic application. Add a command button to it. Double click this button. Highlight everything in the code editor and delete it. Replace it with this code.

Function HTMLtoRGB(HtmlCode As String) As String

        If Left(HtmlCode, 1) = "#" Then

                HtmlCode = Right(HtmlCode, 6)

        End If

        RED = Left(HtmlCode, 2)

        GREEN = Mid(HtmlCode, 3, 2)

        BLUE = Right(HtmlCode, 2)

        RgbHex = "&H00" + BLUE + GREEN + RED

        HTMLtoRGB = "&" & Val(RgbHex)

End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()

    MsgBox HTMLtoRGB("0000FF")

End Sub