11-01-2014، 01:59 PM
11-01-2014، 09:28 PM
Sub Form_Load ()
Dim x As Integer
Dim BothVolumes As Long
' Note that the waveid is 0 indicating the first wave output device.
' If you were to play multiple wavefiles on multiple wave output devices
' you would use 1 for the second wave output device, 2 for the third and
' so on.
' This code will retrieve the current volume setting
x = waveOutGetVolume(0, BothVolumes)
' This code isolates the low-order word.
' Note that the value &HFFFF& is a Long Integer, which is the same
' as 0000FFFF, but because Visual Basic would automatically
' truncate this to FFFF, you must force the logical operation to use
' a four-byte Long Integer (0000FFFF) rather than a two-byte Integer
' (FFFF). This is accomplished by using the type casting
' character (&).
CurrentVolLeft = BothVolumes And &HFFFF&
' This code isolates the high-order word.
' Enter the following two lines as one, single line:
CurrentVolRight = ((BothVolumes And &HFFFF0000) / &H10000)
LeftVol.Caption = Hex$(CurrentVolLeft) ' Update the label with the
RightVol.Caption = Hex$(CurrentVolRight) ' current volume settings.
End Sub
Sub PlaySound_Click ()
Dim x As Integer
Dim wFlags As Integer
Dim SoundName As String
SoundName = "C:\WINDOWS\MSREMIND.WAV" ' Pick any wave file.
x = sndPlaySound(SoundName$, wFlags%) ' Play the wave file.
End Sub
Sub LeftUp_Click ()
' Increase the left sound channel setting:
Dim x As Integer
CurrentVolLeft = CurrentVolLeft + &H1000&
' Prevent the channel setting from exceeding the maximum limit:
If CurrentVolLeft > &HFFFF& Then CurrentVolLeft = &HFFFF&
LeftVol.Caption = Format$(Hex$(CurrentVolLeft))
' Enter the following two lines as one, single line:
x = waveoutSetVolume(0, CInt("&H" + Hex$(CurrentVolRight)),
CInt("&H" + Hex$(CurrentVolLeft)))
End Sub
Sub LeftDown_Click ()
' Decrease the left sound channel setting:
Dim x As Integer
CurrentVolLeft = CurrentVolLeft - &H1000&
' Prevent the channel setting from dropping below the minimum limit:
If CurrentVolLeft < &H0& Then CurrentVolLeft = &H0&
LeftVol.Caption = Hex$(CurrentVolLeft)
' Enter the following two lines as one, single line:
x = waveoutSetVolume(0, CInt("&H" + Hex$(CurrentVolRight)),
CInt("&H" + Hex$(CurrentVolLeft)))
End Sub
Sub RightUp_Click ()
' Increase the right sound channel setting:
Dim x As Integer
CurrentVolRight = CurrentVolRight + &H1000&
' Prevent the channel setting from exceeding the maximum limit.
If CurrentVolRight > &HFFFF& Then CurrentVolRight = &HFFFF&
RightVol.Caption = Hex$(CurrentVolRight)
' Enter the following two lines as one, single line:
x = waveoutSetVolume(0, CInt("&H" + Hex$(CurrentVolRight)),
CInt("&H" + Hex$(CurrentVolLeft)))
End Sub
Sub RightDown_Click ()
' Decrease the right sound channel setting:
Dim x As Integer
CurrentVolRight = CurrentVolRight - &H1000&
' Prevent the channel setting from dropping below the minimum limit:
If CurrentVolRight < 0 Then CurrentVolRight = 0
RightVol.Caption = Hex$(CurrentVolRight)
' Enter the following two lines as one, single line:
x = waveoutSetVolume(0, CInt("&H" + Hex$(CurrentVolRight)),
CInt("&H" + Hex$(CurrentVolLeft)))
End Sub
11-02-2014، 10:21 AM
داداش ممنون از کدت اما موقعی که وارد پروژه کردم مشکل داره
نگاه به عکسها بنداز ببین میدونی چیه ؟
![[عکس: Untitled2.png]](http://www.xum.ir/images/2014/11/02/Untitled2.png)
داداش ممنون از کدت اما موقعی که وارد پروژه کردم مشکل داره
نگاه به عکسها بنداز ببین میدونی چیه ؟
![[عکس: Untitled.png]](http://www.xum.ir/images/2014/11/02/Untitled.png)
![[عکس: Untitled2.png]](http://www.xum.ir/images/2014/11/02/Untitled2.png)
11-02-2014، 02:54 PM
یه سری api داره تست کردم متاسفانه تو وین 8.1 جواب نمیده
این 2 تایپک رو ببین
ببین جوابتو میده ؟
این 2 تایپک رو ببین
ببین جوابتو میده ؟
11-02-2014، 06:30 PM
ممنوم دادا اما هیچ با هیچ کدوم نتونستم کار کنم