Parsi Coders

نسخه‌ی کامل: Check Valid IP Address
شما در حال مشاهده نسخه آرشیو هستید. برای مشاهده نسخه کامل کلیک کنید.
A simple way to check whether an IP address is valid.
function IsIPAddress(zvIPAddressID: string): boolean;
  ipLengthOfGroup, ipPosition, ipNoOfGroups: integer;
  ipGroupNum, Code: integer;
  IsIpAddress := False;
  ipNoOfGroups := 0;
  ipLengthOfGroup := 0;
  for ipPosition := 1 to Length(zvIPAddressID) do
    case Ord(zvIPAddressID[ipPosition]) of
          if (ipLengthOfGroup > 3) then exit;
          Val(Copy(zvIPAddressID, ipPosition - ipLengthOfGroup, ipLengthOfGroup), ipGroupNum, Code);
          if ((ipNoOfGroups > 3) or (ipLengthOfGroup = 0)) or (ipGroupNum > 255) then exit;
          ipLengthOfGroup := 0;
  Val(Copy(zvIPAddressID, ipPosition - ipLengthOfGroup, ipLengthOfGroup), ipGroupNum, Code);
  IsIPAddress := (ipNoOfGroups = 3) and (ipLengthOfGroup > 0) and (ipGroupNum < 256);
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