string getTwitterUserImage(string userUrl)
// The initial Twitter URL
string twitterUrl = userUrl;
HttpWebRequest myRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(twitterUrl);
myRequest.Method = "GET";
HttpWebResponse myResponse = (HttpWebResponse)myRequest.GetResponse();
StreamReader myPageSource = new StreamReader(myResponse.GetResponseStream());
string source = myPageSource.ReadToEnd();
// The set of selections that will be
// used to select the needed part from
// the HTML source of the user page.
int selectionA = 0;
int selectionB = 0;
int selectionC = 0;
selectionA = source.IndexOf("<img alt=\"\" border=\"0\" height=\"73\" id=\"profile-image\"");
selectionB = source.IndexOf("src=", selectionA);
selectionC = source.IndexOf("valign=\"middle\"", selectionB + 4);
// Extract the image URL from the source selection.
string fullUrl = source.Substring(selectionB + 5, selectionC - 7 - selectionB);
return fullUrl;
catch (Exception exc)
return null;