05-30-2011، 02:38 PM
ببین به کارت میاد ؟
This program will resize all the images in a folder and then save them as a jpg. This comes in handy when you have alot of screen shots or decompiled a avi movie and have alot of images you need smaller. Please vote and leave comments. (This saves as true .jpg files not bmps with the extension of jpg) (the required dll is included)
Mass_image(www.parsicoders.com).zip (اندازه 123.4 KB / تعداد دانلود: 24)
ببین به کارت میاد ؟
This program will resize all the images in a folder and then save them as a jpg. This comes in handy when you have alot of screen shots or decompiled a avi movie and have alot of images you need smaller. Please vote and leave comments. (This saves as true .jpg files not bmps with the extension of jpg) (the required dll is included)
Mass_image(www.parsicoders.com).zip (اندازه 123.4 KB / تعداد دانلود: 24)
گروه دور همی پارسی کدرز