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Title: واضح کردن تصویر زوم شده
حالت خطی
اینم سورس

لذت ببر

[/cod'** Interpolation Antialisa Bicubic Resizing Algorithm **'
'** Code was writen by Cory Watt(mouak@crosswinds.net)
'** Use as you wish, just never sell, unless compiled in
'** a excuting application/program!
'** Alot of thanx goes to my friend Kim Doo-hyun, Thanx **'
'public by parsicoders.com
Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long

Private Sub sDrawImage(SrcHDC As Long, OffsetX As Integer, OffsetY As Integer, srcW As Integer, srcH As Integer, dstW1 As Integer, dstH1 As Integer, dOffsetX As Integer, dOffsetY As Integer, DstHDC As Long, DstEdge As Byte)
Dim dx As Integer, dy As Integer, iX As Integer, iY As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer
Dim i11 As Long, i12 As Long, i21 As Long, i22 As Long
Dim V1 As Integer, V2 As Integer, V3 As Integer, S1 As Integer, S2 As Integer, S3 As Integer, N1 As Integer, N2 As Integer, N3 As Integer, H1 As Integer, H2 As Integer, H3 As Integer, U1 As Integer, U2 As Integer, U3 As Integer, P1 As Integer, P2 As Integer, P3 As Integer
Dim Color11qRed As Integer, Color11qGreen As Integer, Color11qBlue As Integer, _
Color21qRed As Integer, Color21qGreen As Integer, Color21qBlue As Integer, _
Color22qRed As Integer, Color22qGreen As Integer, Color22qBlue As Integer, _
Color12qRed As Integer, Color12qGreen As Integer, Color12qBlue As Integer
Dim dstW As Integer, dstH As Integer
Dim iRX As Integer, iOrX As Integer, iRY As Integer, iOrY As Integer, dw As Integer, dh As Integer
If DstEdge = 1 Then
dstW = dstW1 + (dstW1 / srcW)
dstH = dstH1 + (dstH1 / srcH)
dstW = dstW1
dstH = dstH1
End If
For dy = 0 To srcH - 1
iOrY = iRY
iRY = ((dstH) / srcH) * (dy + 1)
For dx = 0 To srcW - 1
iOrX = iRX
iRX = ((dstW) / srcW) * (dx + 1)

'(Getting 4 Colors. Of X, upper-left,
'upper-right, lower-left, lower-right.)
i11 = GetPixel(SrcHDC, dx + OffsetX, dy + OffsetY)
i12 = GetPixel(SrcHDC, dx + 1 + OffsetX, dy + OffsetY)
i21 = GetPixel(SrcHDC, dx + OffsetX, dy + 1 + OffsetY)
i22 = GetPixel(SrcHDC, dx + 1 + OffsetX, dy + 1 + OffsetY)

iX = iOrX
iY = iOrY
dw = iRX - iOrX
dh = iRY - iOrY

'(Get the Three Color values, Red, Green,
'and blue.)

Color11qRed = i11 Mod 256
Color11qGreen = (i11 \ 256) Mod 256
Color11qBlue = (i11 \ 65536) Mod 256

Color12qRed = i12 Mod 256
Color12qGreen = (i12 \ 256) Mod 256
Color12qBlue = (i12 \ 65536) Mod 256

Color21qRed = i21 Mod 256
Color21qGreen = (i21 \ 256) Mod 256
Color21qBlue = (i21 \ 65536) Mod 256

Color22qRed = i22 Mod 256
Color22qGreen = (i22 \ 256) Mod 256
Color22qBlue = (i22 \ 65536) Mod 256

N1 = Color21qRed - Color11qRed
H1 = Color11qRed

N2 = Color21qGreen - Color11qGreen
H2 = Color11qGreen

N3 = Color21qBlue - Color11qBlue
H3 = Color11qBlue

U1 = Color22qRed - Color12qRed
P1 = Color12qRed

U2 = Color22qGreen - Color12qGreen
P2 = Color12qGreen

U3 = Color22qBlue - Color12qBlue
P3 = Color12qBlue

For y = 0 To dh - 1
'(Now begins the Interpolation)
Color11qRed = H1 + ((N1) / dh) * y
Color11qGreen = H2 + ((N2) / dh) * y
Color11qBlue = H3 + ((N3) / dh) * y

Color12qRed = P1 + ((U1) / dh) * y
Color12qGreen = P2 + ((U2) / dh) * y
Color12qBlue = P3 + ((U3) / dh) * y

V1 = Color12qRed - Color11qRed
S1 = Color11qRed

V2 = Color12qGreen - Color11qGreen
S2 = Color11qGreen

V3 = Color12qBlue - Color11qBlue
S3 = Color11qBlue

For x = 0 To dw - 1
Color11qRed = S1 + ((V1) / dw) * x
Color11qGreen = S2 + ((V2) / dw) * x
Color11qBlue = S3 + ((V3) / dw) * x

'(Set a Pixel, may need some changing,
If DstEdge = 1 Then
If x + iX < dstW1 And y + iY < dstH1 Then
SetPixel DstHDC, x + iX + dOffsetX, y + iY + dOffsetY, RGB(Color11qRed, Color11qGreen, Color11qBlue)
End If
SetPixel DstHDC, x + iX + dOffsetX, y + iY + dOffsetY, RGB(Color11qRed, Color11qGreen, Color11qBlue)
End If
Next x
Next y
If dx = srcW - 1 Then iRX = 0
Next dx

'(not need)
Label1.Caption = dy

If dy = srcH - 1 Then iRY = 0
Next dy
End Sub

Private Sub cmdDraw_Click()
On Error Resume Next
If txtWidth < 32 Or txtHeight < 32 Then
MsgBox "Enlarges an Image only (at the moment!)", vbExclamation, "Enlarging!"
sDrawImage pctImage.hdc, 0, 0, 32, 32, txtWidth, txtHeight, 0, 0, Me.hdc, chkEdge.Value
End If
End Sub

گروه دور همی پارسی کدرز

پیام‌های این موضوع
واضح کردن تصویر زوم شده - توسط Kei armin - 10-14-2012، 11:32 PM
RE: واضح کردن تصویر زوم شده - توسط thania - 10-16-2012، 01:25 PM
RE: واضح کردن تصویر زوم شده - توسط Amin_Mansouri - 10-16-2012، 03:53 PM
RE: واضح کردن تصویر زوم شده - توسط thania - 10-16-2012، 03:55 PM

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