05-02-2012، 04:08 PM
با سورس زیر که با وی بی دات نت نوشته شده است میتونید نام سطل زباله سیستم رو تغییر بدهید.
english :
In this example, we use the windows registry and access the Recycle bin's keys in it. To re-name, just change the value of "Loacalized String"
source code :
download :
RecycleBinRenamer(www.parsicoders.com).rar (اندازه 43.89 KB / تعداد دانلود: 16)
english :
In this example, we use the windows registry and access the Recycle bin's keys in it. To re-name, just change the value of "Loacalized String"
source code :
Console.Write("Rename Recyle Bin to : ")
nname = Console.ReadLine()
Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}", True).SetValue("LocalizedString", nname)
Console.WriteLine("Recycle Bin Renamed Successfully !!" & vbNewLine & "Refresh Windows to See the Changes")
Console.Write("Press Any Key To Continue :}")

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